新世纪音乐经典John Adorney彼岸《The Other Shore》舒压车载音乐专辑

新世纪音乐经典John Adorney彼岸《The Other Shore》舒压车载音乐专辑

John Adorney 约翰·安铎尼 除运用大量管弦类的原音乐器外,还加强最能引发情感共鸣的人声,以及发自人类原始天性的民族元素,希望能使乐曲更贴近人心。
The Other Shore 彼岸》被新世纪音乐发行商一致评为“Best New Age CD Of 2002 2002年最佳新世纪音乐专辑”。

John Adorney’s music is beautiful. It might sound corny, but I feel as though each of his songs is like a love song or a prayer. In addition to the wonderful moods he creates, I am also taken with the way he moves back and forth between different rythms and ethnic influences. Just a great album overall.


The Other Shore
The Crossing
When The Flower Meets The Rain
As My Heart Desires
Kulan Tai Ulam (Heart Of A Child)
Thinking Of You
All In A Moment

新世纪音乐经典John Adorney彼岸《The Other Shore》舒压车载音乐专辑.rar: https://url02.ctfile.com/f/19888902-714649909-e16d22?p=1340 (访问密码: 1340)

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