

加拿大灵魂歌者Leonard Cohen(莱昂纳德·科恩)于9月发行新专辑《Popular Problems》,先行单曲《Almost Like the Blues》于8月发行。
专辑介绍:加拿大民谣诗人Leonard Cohen在迎来自己的80岁生日(9月21日)后,发行了个人音乐生涯的第13张专辑《Popular Problems》。哥伦比亚唱片的CEO/主席Rob Stringer盛赞:”Leonard Cohen又一次用创新的启示打破固有的音乐疆界。这9首全新的歌曲令人赞叹,独树一帜!激动之余倍感荣幸能一起见证这张里程碑似的音乐作品。”
There’s a new Leonard Cohen album coming out this year. It’s called Popular Problems, and will be released on September 23 on Columbia in commemoration of the legendary singer’s 80th birthday. (Cohen was born on September 21.) In anticipation of the LP’s released, Cohen has shared “Almost Like the Blues”, a track which will appear on the album.
The new album was produced by Patrick Leonard and was recorded and mixed by Jesse E. String, with Bill Bottrell providing additional mixing.
1. Slow
2. Almost Like The Blues
3. Samson In New Orleans
4. A Street
5. Did I Ever Love You
6. My Oh My
7. Nevermind
8. Born In Chains

9. You Got Me Singing

加拿大灵魂歌者Leonard Cohen(莱昂纳德·科恩)《Popular Problems》[24-96]FLAC.rar: https://url42.ctfile.com/f/44708242-912917274-84a693?p=3480 (访问密码: 3480)

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